(31 customer reviews)

Jack Herer Strain


Purchasing Jack Herer Cannabis Strain Online in Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia Germany

Purchasing Jack Herer Cannabis Strain Online in Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia Germany

Purchasing Jack Herer Cannabis Strain Online in Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia Germany. Discover the legendary Jack Herer cannabis strain, a Sativa-dominant hybrid strain named after the famous cannabis activist and author. Renowned for its potent effects and unique flavor profile, Jack Herer is the go-to choice for both recreational and medicinal users seeking a balanced and uplifting experience.

Key Features Of Jack Herer Strain

  • Strain Type: Sativa-dominant hybrid
  • THC Content: Ranges from 18% to 24%
  • CBD Content: Low, usually under 1%
  • Aroma: Earthy, pine, and citrus notes
  • Flavor: Peppery, herbal, with hints of spicy pine
  • Effects: Euphoric, creative, and clear-headed

Effects and Benefits Of Jack Herer Strain

Jack Herer is celebrated for its ability to induce a euphoric and creative mental high while keeping you clear-headed and focused. This makes it an ideal strain for daytime use, allowing you to stay productive while enjoying a pleasant buzz. Users often report feeling:

  • Uplifted and happy
  • Energetic and motivated
  • Focused and creative

Besides recreational use, Jack Herer is also sought after for its potential medicinal benefits. It may help alleviate symptoms of:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic pain and migraines

Jack Herer Cannabis Growing Information

Jack Herer is a relatively easy strain to cultivate, making it a favorite among growers. Here are some essential growing tips:

  • Climate: Thrives in mild, Mediterranean climates
  • Indoor Yield: Approximately 18 ounces per square meter
  • Outdoor Yield: Around 18 ounces per plant
  • Flowering Time: 8 to 10 weeks
  • Height: Medium to tall plants, ideal for both indoor and outdoor cultivation

Where To Get Cannabis Online In Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia Germany

The Jack Herer cannabis strain is a top-tier choice for anyone looking to experience the perfect blend of euphoria, creativity, and focus. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a newcomer, Jack Herer offers an unparalleled experience that stands the test of time. Embrace the legacy of Jack Herer and elevate your cannabis experience today!

Additional information


28 grams, 113 grams, 227 grams, 454 grams

31 reviews for Jack Herer Strain

  1. Yassin Dijker

    I’ve been looking forever for a strain that gives me energy and motivation to actually get out of bed (so flippin hard some days) and accomplish SOMETHING, anything, without anxiety. One long pull off Jack Herer about an hour before I needed to wake up didn’t give me the needed burst of energy, but once I managed to get up – i had to use Trainwreck for that tempered with some CBD – I was more productive in the next few hours than I had been in a long time, and work seemed lighter, not such a big deal.

  2. Jadzia Chmielews

    Ich liebe Jack Herer. Um dies zu schaffen, brauchte ich auf jeden Fall eine gut durchdachte und komplementäre Sortenmischung. Ich greife zu Hause häufiger danach als nach allen anderen Sativa-Dom-Hybriden.

  3. Martha Zuyerallen

    j’en ai partagé avec des amis avant de faire de la randonnée. nous avons ri tout au long du sentier Makapu’u. Bon bourgeon amusant avec juste ce qu’il faut de méchanceté. Super bourgeon de tous les jours !

  4. Jascha Eliasson

    Essa tensão me ajuda a focar em meus projetos de codificação. Jack Herer oferece clareza e criatividade.

  5. Kazimiera Chmielewska

    “Jack Herer never fails to lift my spirits. It’s the perfect strain for an instant mood boost.”

  6. Abdelghani Huting

    Perfect for getting through a long workday. Jack Herer keeps my productivity high and stress low.

  7. Carlson Kornet

    Jack Herer is my go-to for social events. It makes me chatty and relaxed without paranoia.

  8. King Reijnders

    I use this strain for mindfulness exercises. It helps me stay present and calm.

  9. Carl Vasilie

    Ausgezeichneter Buzz am Tag.

  10. Rose Munsterman

    This strain gives me a nice energy boost without the crash. Perfect for busy days.

  11. Anastasia Selezn

    Love my Jack,it is my Go to anytime I can get it for a daytime smoke it hits ya rite between the eyes,very creative, and it also can knock you on your ass if you smoke heavy it will do it no problem love the taste it is signature that woody,piney,tatse mmm every time

  12. Roxanne Alexeye

    ¿Quieres estar confundido por un rato? Fuma un poco de Jack. Agradable en tu cara alto. No para aquellos que temen cierta paranoia.

  13. Dico Havik

    I purchased an ounce late after a painful day of carpel tunnel. Excellent pain relief, nice warm buzz, ear ringing and hunger were the negatives. I would definitely buy again for pain.

  14. Danique Hoeks

    This strain is fantastic for stress relief. It helps me unwind without feeling too sedated.

  15. Dimitrija Antolovič

    This Strain is so helpful for my condition. I have adrenal insufficiency which means my body does not make the cortisol it needs to live. Hydrocortisone is the prescribed medication the doctor gives me but it does come with a list of side effects, and some which I have suffered. Before taking medical marijuana I was prescribed 80 milligrams a day of hydrocortisone. The usual dose for a woman is around 30 milligrams daily. I’m happy to say I’m only taking 20 milligrams daily with the help of medical marijuana. I no longer have the bloating side effects, in fact I’ve been able to lose all my inflammation between diet and exercise. Before the medical marijuana I was in bed most of the day. I now belong to a gym and exercise 5 days a week. I feel my life is full again and I’m able to enjoy the things that I used to love to do.

  16. Hussain Schiffelers

    For years I’ve felt that I was more of an Indica smoker. Until earlier this year when I tried my first pure Sativa ( that I know of anyway) in Durban Poison. Now after trying Jack Herer I realize I’m not an Indica man nor am I a Sativa man. I’m just into really good weed of any kind. Jack is a perfect wake n bake with a classic weed taste. Taste and smell both are lemon, citrus and pine. What I love the most about these pure Sativas is that they are great pain killers that let you go about your day pain free and clear headed. Good flavor and wake me upbuzzz. 👍🏻 On the jack 🤪.

  17. Aislinn Polet

    Best ever! Helps me relax to where I can actually sleep. Takes half the amount of what usually takes to get me to sleep.

  18. Erast Sergey

    Любить это! Немного проходит долгий путь! Отлично подходит для медитации и действительно помогает мне успокоиться и заснуть!

  19. Frank Heutink

    Jack Herer always puts me in a good mood. It’s my favorite strain for an uplifting high.

  20. Stanislaus Dubin

    this is one of my favorites the taste and smell is great its very piney not the strongest but i love the smell the average thc level is 17%

  21. Sophia Beunk

    Jack Herer je boljši od katere koli jutranje skodelice kave. To je spektakularen hibrid s prevladujočo sativo, ki obstaja že nekaj časa. Z ostrimi notami bora in zemeljsko sladkostjo je to okusen in gladek dim. Neverjetno je za lajšanje tesnobe in boljše razpoloženje. To je tako dobro jutro, da poznam več ljudi, ki to redno uporabljajo kot katero koli drugo sorto! Samo trden je. Vsak bi moral poskusiti to sorto, tudi če ni tisto, kar ste iskali.

  22. Irma Solomi

    Best medical strains for patients suffering from cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, insomnia, arthritis, pains and RSO ,BHO and Strains for smokers.

  23. Lina Blinova

    Eine sehr zuverlässige Sativa mit einem sauberen, schnellen, euphorischen High und keiner spürbaren beruhigenden Wirkung. Sie riecht normalerweise nach Zitrusfrüchten oder Zitronen, ist aber eine sehr beliebte Sorte und weist viele Phänomene auf.

  24. Anne-Jet de Pree

    Ich verwende Jack Herer wegen seiner erhebenden Wirkung. Es ist perfekt, um meine leichte Depression zu bekämpfen.

  25. Dorota Adamczyk

    A Day time medicine… A very nice distinct taste.. very calming good for PTSD & anxiety

  26. Ari van Montfort

    Jack and Sour Diesel. The only weed I need.

  27. Maurizio Doerga

    L’equilibrio tra rilassamento del corpo e stimolazione mentale è perfetto. Jack Herer è il mio preferito.

  28. Hleb Polyak

    „Jack Herer hilft mir, nach einem langen Tag zu entspannen, ohne mich zu schläfrig zu machen. Sehr zu empfehlen.“

  29. Sheranie Drosdern

    Tolle Belastung, um auf Trab zu bleiben. Es war keine gute Idee, es direkt vor dem Schlafengehen zu rauchen, da es mich die ganze Nacht wach hielt. Dieser und Critical Jack gehören definitiv zu meinen Top 5.

  30. Duke Gjaltema

    Jack Herer is a classic for a reason. The balanced high and piney flavor are top-notch.

  31. Miroslav Bazhen

    Es ist ein relativ dichter Brocken, und als ich ihn zerkleinerte, blieben meine Finger mit Kristallen und Haaren bedeckt. Klebrig und frisch. Es erforderte ein wenig Arbeit, die Nuggets auseinander zu bekommen, sie saßen so fest zusammen. — Der Geruch ist superstark, sehr zitronig und scharf. Darunter liegt ein tiefes Pinienaroma, das sich stark ausbreitet und festhält. — Die Aromen waren tiefgreifend, und ich bin ehrlich. Ich musste drei dicke Köpfe davon rauchen, bevor ich das Gefühl hatte, den Geschmack bestimmen zu können. Schüssel Nr. 4 war nur, weil ich sehr stoned werden wollte. Vielleicht alle.

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